Monday 26 April 2010


Like abortion, euthanasia isn't an everyday bad act, a guilty pleasure, but it does pose a moral question. Euthanasia, or assisted suicide, involves ending another persons life, for the benefit of that person and to relieve suffering. It is usually done when the person who wishes to die asks for it (voluntary euthanasia), but it can also happen in rare cases when the person is incapable of doing so (non-voluntary euthanasia).

So, as outlined on this website, there are many cases for and against euthanasia. The cases against it being:

  • The view that life is sacred and should not be taken from anybody

  • The religious view that God created us and only God should take our life away

  • The argument that if euthanasia becomes legal, the right will be abused and people will be killed

  • It gives doctors too much power.
And the arguments for:
  • People should have the right to choose when they die, if they want to.

  • Is death a bad thing?

It is quite a diffuclt question. Personally, I think that if someone truly wants to end their life and suffering but are unable to do it themselves, then it should be allowed. It is harder to decide if ther person is not able to make this decision for themselves, but if it will end constant suffering maybe it is for the best?

However, there is the possibility of people abusing it. People could literally get away with murder if this is not regulated properly. Even then, how do we make the rules to make sure its safe?

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