Friday 23 April 2010


In the very first lecture, someone admitted to having had "sexy time" with their sister. Whether this is true or just a joke, we don't know. However, when this confession was read out, everyone instantly reacted, making disgusted groaning noises.

This is the most common reaction from people when anything related to incest is mentioned. In society, incest is definitely seen as "wrong" and something you "don't do". Well, I certainly don't think I or most of us could look at any of our family members in any way remotely sexual. Unless, that is, if you believe in Freud's famous Oedipus and Electra complexes, stating that children develop romantic feelings for their opposite sex parent.

We don't often hear of incest happening, mainly because its a big tabboo and kept behind closed
doors, but when we do they are often horrifying abuse stories, like that of the Joseph Fritzl case.
However, what about those who choose to take part in incest, that really are romantically or sexually attracted to a family member?

"Incest is so often spoken about in the same breath as abuse, but idf you're close in age and equal in relationship terms, then it's entirely different."

The above quote comes from the article here, that tells of a woman who slept with her brother for 5 years. She has no regrets or guilt and only thinks upon this experience in a fond way.

For most people, this is difficult to contemplate. But it does happen. Could this possibly be ok, if they are both happy with what they are doing, and aren't hurting anyone else? There is a strong negative social view of incest, and there are risks involved, e.g a high likelihood of birth defects in babies, but can those who do engage in concensual incestual relationships be "normal"?

I don't know. I mean, I'm not going to judge people for it, if thats what they want to do then thats up to them, but at the same time it just feels a bit odd.

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