Wednesday 28 April 2010

The Internet

The internet: a wonderful resource which lets us find out about almost anything in seconds. We can talk to anyone we want, anywhere in the world - even see them if they have a web cam.

Everything you might need is right there, in front of you. Information, shopping, chat, games, music.

Which, for the most part, is a good thing. Although it has been argued that the internet has made us all lazy. Staying in to do the shopping. Not taking the time to go and see a friend; preferring to hold a conversation online instead. What about the games and music? Yes, they provide entertainment, but the vast majority of games and music are illegally downloaded.

The fact that everything is all available in once place means that many have become addicted to the internet. Many people spend nearly all their waking hours on the internet, shopping, playing games, talking to strangers.. this in turn means they don't get any exercise and is often a reason for obesity.

It only gets worse. While providing a wonderful research resource for most of us, there are others who use it for not so innocent reasons. From being able to find out how to make a bomb from household objects to stalking and child pornography to name but a few.

As with most things, there are the positives and negatives. Do we just have to learn to take the good with the bad? Or should something be done about it?

1 comment:

  1. Ok this one is a new one, that internet is a drug....I understand where your coming from, but I am sure people are not that addicted. But I see where your coming from when you say that people, do not get their exercise.

    when you say that the internet is a research resource for most of us, there are others who use it for not so innocent reasons. I really never thought about it like that, especially for being able to find out how to make a bomb from household objects to stalking and child pornography to name but a few. You know what the way you explain, it is quite negative isn't it. I always thought spending time on the ineternet was a good thing, but the idea thatyou put across, it could be classed as a drug, and you know what were moving more and more to the direction of the internet.. And I think technology is making children a little more advanced, where as they should be enjoying the garden, park, and physical activity, which will lead them to becoming lazier....

    I do think that the internet has its positve effects, meaning more open to the world, you can find what you need, when you need help. Also I do feel there is alot of resources for individuals, for instance you can find jobs and resources for children.
