Monday 19 April 2010

Response to The Bloginator's Abortion post.

Quote from Bloginator's post:

"A unwanted pregnancy and unwanted baby can seriously affect the lives of the woman and the man involved, and that would therefore affect the life of the child-to-be.."

Many people against abortion would say that abortion is basically murder and takes away another indviduals right to live, which is fair enough. But what about the consequences of giving birth to an unwanted child?

First of all, it can seriously damage the lives and mental health of the parents, especially the mother. When I thought I was pregnant, I felt worried, depressed and anxious. How would I have felt if I actually was pregnant and carried my child to full term and bave birth to it? I do understand, however, that many pregnancies are unplanned, perhaps unwanted, but once the child is born feelings can change, as I'm sure they would have for me. I've known a few people with unplanned pregnancies, and although they went through a lot of distress at first, they are now very happy, they love their children unconditionally and say they wouldn't change a thing.

However, many unplanned pregnancies do not have such a happy ending. Once born, the parents will be going through hell. If the parents are suffering because of it, then so will the child. If the parents haven't planned and saved for a baby, finances will be low. Umwanted pregnancies also may mean a great deal of arguments. Some mothers will develop post natal depression. It has been known in extreme cases that unwanted children become the subject of physical, mental and sexual abuse.

Although abortion isn't a particularly pleasant thing to do, maybe sometimes it's for the best?

Bloginator's abortion post is here.

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