Monday 8 March 2010


When I think about stalking, the terms 'obsession' and 'invasion of privacy' come to mind. Sure, some people are just nosy and like to know a little too much about the people around them, but some people just take it too far. What is the difference between 'being a bit too nosy' and being a stalker? How much are we comfortable with others being around, or knowing about, us?

Stalkers are obsessed with their subjects, often following them around, taking note of every move they make, and will even go through their rubbish in order to get themselves closer to the person. Some stalkers are fans of a particular celebrity, who make it their business to find out everything they can about them from what time their next appointment is to what they had for breakfast. Another type of stalker is that of an ex partner. Often bitter and jealous, these people cannot and will not accept that a relationship is over and constantly follow their ex around. There are also vengeful stalkers, these are often people that are holding a serious grudge against someone and following their every move in order to get their revenge.

Or perhaps some stalkers have a serious case of erotomania - a rare disorder where an individual believes that another person is in love with them - and, under the illusion that a strong relationship is forming, feels the need to get a little too close to that person.

Incidence rates of stalking have rocketed since the invention of the internet. Cyberstalking -stalking over the internet - is quite common, and with all the advances in technology, people can even find out another's credit card number if they know what to do. Plus with the invention of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, where people are constantly broadcasting their current movements and thoughts, stalking has never been easier.

You never know, someone could be watching you right now..

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