Thursday 11 February 2010

Cigarettes. Fags. Cancer sticks. Lung darts.

Whatever you want to call them, we all have our own opinions about these small cylindrical objects. Personally, I can't stand them.

I grew up living in pubs when smoking was allowed and was constantly surrounded by customers puffing away, not to mention my mother constantly smoking like a chimney. I wondered what the attraction was, since all I got was a nasty smell and a cough whenever someone blew smoke in my face.

Nevertheless, just like everyone else, curiosity got the better of me and I stole a couple of cigarettes from my mum's pack (being way too young to buy my own), and lit up my first cigarette. It was also my last. It certainly didn't taste nice and I got no pleasure from it whatsoever. Yuck.

Despite the warnings on the packets and the numerous shocking adverts like this one, cigarette smokers continue to do so, knowing full well what they are doing to their bodies. At this point, I hear the smokers cry out in defense, pointing out that one car trip would probably give out more bad fumes than a years worth of smoking, or that a cigarette too many never made people angry and violent like alcohol does. But do smokers not drink and drive, too? (Hopefully not at the same time).

Many smokers will also gladly point out that although smoking shortens your life and can cause cancer, some recent studies have actually shown that smoking can be good for you. Other smokers couldn't care less and are quite happy to smoke away. For example, a member of my family lost a lung quite a few years ago due to smoking. But this didn't stop him, and he carried on. Now, he has cancer and it's spreading, fast. Still, he refuses to give up his beloved cigarettes. He says, "well, if
I'm going to die, I might as well die doing something that I like." Which, I suppose, is a good point.

I wont judge people for smoking, but it's just not my thing.

Oh, and this is for all the men:

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